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Can Chiropractic Help You With Exercise?
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January 26th 2011 - Is Pain Your Obstacle to Fitness? Chiropractic Can Help

People may have a lot of excuses for not achieving their weight loss goals, but aches and pains shouldn't be one of them.  More than 60 percent of adults in the United States are either overweight or obese, according to CDC statistics, and obesity is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and some types of cancer.  However, many people are unaware that even modest weight loss, such as 5 to 10 percent of a person's total body weight, could improve blood pressure as well as blood cholesterol and blood sugars levels.  That is only 10 to 20 pounds for a person who weights 200 pounds.

Yet losing weight can be a struggle, and many people wonder where to begin.  The answer for some may include chiropractic care.  Diet pills and extreme diets do not offer long term solutions.  Dr. Wiggers provides natural approaches such as exercise and hands on care to keep you pain free and active, which can help you achieve your weight loss goals in the short term and also maintain your fitness level, while helping to avoid chronic conditions down the line. 

Consultation with Dr.Wiggers at Fall Creek Chiropractic is particularly important when you consider that the effects of obesity on the musculoskeletal system - osteoarthritis, back pain, neck pain and joint pain - often causing overweight people to avoid physical activity and exercise when they need it most. 

If you are carrying more weight than the load bearing structures of your body - spine, legs, etc - can handle, there is going to be pain, loss of movement and degeneration in the joints.  Particularly if you are carrying most of your weight in your abdomen, the low back and the spine will need to work harder to hold you upright.  This adds extra stress and tension on your muscles, which in turn can create stiffness.

                                                                              Source: ACA Website

How are you doing with your exercise program?  Have you made it a New Years Resolution and struggling to maintain your motivation?  Is pain prohibiting your ability to exercise on a regular basis? Call our office at Fall Creek Chiropractic and schedule an appointment with Dr.Wiggers to discuss your limitations and goals with your exercise program.  Keep at it!  It is worth the time to commit to regular exercise for many reasons including decreased risks for high blood pressure and other cardiac problems, decreased low back discomfort, and increased stability for your musculoskeletal system.  Our office can help.